
There are tons of scholarships out there, but you have to know where to look. The major sources of scholarships includes your child’s university or study abroad office, the program provider, and national publicly or privately-funded scholarships (eventually link to a scholarship database). Here’s study abroad secret number one: If your child applies for a scholarship and they win one, ask for more money. The answer may be no. Or the answer may be yes. This is especially true of program provider scholarships because they want your business.

Encourage your child to start researching and applying early. Scholarship deadlines can be as much as a year ahead of the program. Applications may require essays, transcripts, or letters of recommendation, which can take some time to pull together. It’s always a good idea to have at least one person read it to provide feedback before editing.

Keys to success:

  1. Know where to look.
  2. Research and apply early.
  3. Take applications seriously.